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Walk In Payday Loans Near Me Web discover a comprehensive guide to loan providers in singapore. Web discover a comprehensive guide to loan providers in singapore. Apply from the comfort of your home at www.rafflescredit.com.sg. You may also reach us at 6235 1788. Upon confirmation, you will be asked to come to our office to customize your loan plan. Web cash direct is the best licensed online money lender in singapore providing all types of loan facilities. From personal loans to business financing, explore a diverse array of options tailored to meet your financial needs. Drop us a message below and we’ll get back to you. Web how to reach us. Fast & easyphone support all the way Web ranging from s$200 to s$1,000, payday loans provide quick cash to cover expenses between pay cycles. Receive your money on the same day. Apply a loan with us today. 2.79 % (eir 5.27% p.a.) this is a simplified illustration of monthly repayment and the actual rate offered to you may differ. Welcome to a realm where your aspirations find the support they deserve. Fast & easyphone support all the way